East Meon and its vineyard lie at the extreme south-western end of the Wealden Basin, an elliptical formation of sedimentary beds that were uplifted and eroded in the middle, leaving a ring of chalk surrounding sandstone and other sediments.
At its eastern end the chalk formation is cut through by the English Channel, leaving the white cliffs of Dover as the termination of the North Downs and Beachy Head as the end of the South Downs.
East Meon lies on the Lower Chalk, a narrow bed outcropping below the steep slope of the Middle Chalk (of which the white cliffs of Dover and Beachy Head are formed). The Lower Chalk is a greyish stone that eventually weathers to white. It is this that underlies the vineyard.
THE LAND - Geology
Modified From Andrews, I.J. 2014. The Jurassic shales of the Weald Basin: geology and shale oil and shale gas resource estimation. British Geological Survey for Department of Energy and Climate Change, London, UK. Sourced: https://www.ogauthority.co.uk/onshore/onshore-reports-and-data/reports-bgs-weald-basin-jurassic-shale /